What does your concussion road to recovery look like at SSG

What does your concussion road to recovery look like at SSG

At SSG our specialist trained osteopaths will guide you through a tailored treatment and rehabilitation program that suits your individual needs because concussion symptoms can vary a lot between individuals. We suggest weekly treatments for at least the first three week period as the average time period for brain healing post concussion is 22- 30 days.

At your first one hour consult we conduct a thorough testing regime to better understand your condition, educate and advise you on how to best manage your symptoms.

On the second consult we conduct an exercise threshold test to see what specific heart rate your concussion symptoms arise and advise a return to exercise and sport program based on your individual needs. Current research shows that patients who start an early aerobic exercise program  in the first week have better outcomes than those who completely rest.

Follow up treatments are based on your individuals needs and consist of hands on treatment especially of the neck region as well as rehabilitation exercises. We work in synchrony with other specialists such as behavioural optometrists and psychologists, referring patients when necessary.

To learn more about our concussion clinic – please visit our concussion page here:


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